Hadassah BrainLabs Center for the Psychedelic Research is dedicated to the discovery and development of novel, psychedelic based treatments for psychiatric disorders. Located at Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, Israel and affiliated with the Hebrew University, we harness the talents and expertise of Hadassah – Hebrew University researchers and the extensive infrastructure of Hadassah BrainLabs.

Why Psychedelics
Psychedelics dramatically affect perception, cognition and mood to a degree that depends on the compound and also the setting in which it is ingested.

About Us
Located at Hadassah Medical Center, Ein Karem, Jerusalem, Israel; and affiliated with the Hebrew University,

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Our Sponsors
We are grateful to our sponsors for their unrestricted support of the research activities of the Hadassah BrainLabs Center for Psychedelic Research and to the Research Division of Hadassah Medical Organisation (HMO) and Hadasit Technology Transfer Company for their role in maintaining our interface with sponsors and supporters.
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