In the News

2025 ISBP Research Prize to Michal BrownstienOrr 

Orr Shahar Receives The President of Israel Scholarship for Excellence and Scientific Innovationy

Psilocybin shows promise as new treatment for OCD and Tourette’s syndrome, finds study

Psilocybin Shows Promise as OCD Treatment in Mouse Study

Study: Psilocybin Shows Promise as Treatment for OCD and Tourette’s Syndrome

Psilocybin shows promise as new treatment for OCD and Tourette’s syndrome, finds study

Study highlights the potential of psilocybin in treating obsessive-compulsive disorder

Feature Story | 11-Sep-2024 : Professor Bernard Lerer: Pioneering psychedelic research for psychiatric disorders. Hebrew University scientist shares insights on psychedelic therapeutics in exclusive Genomic Press Interview

Bernard Lerer: Pre-clinical, translational and clinical research focused on the use of
psychedelic drugs and their derivatives to treat psychiatric disorders

Study Suggests Psilocybin Mushrooms Trigger Enhanced Benefits On Brain Compared To Synthetic Versions

Plenary and Keynote Lectures 

Psychedelic Research and Treatment Seminar July 16, 2024

hebrewuniversityandron.kav – האם פטריות פסיכדליות הן התרופה החדשה לדיכאון וחרדה?

Jerusalem researchers identify therapeutic potential of natural psychedelic mushroom compounds in mice models to treat psychiatric disordersy

Study Finds Natural Mushroom Extract Has Better Therapeutic Effects Than Synthesized Psilocybin

Synthetic psilocybin may not be as effective as psychedelic mushroom extract, which may enhance brain benefits

Psyence Biomedical Welcomes Results of a Recent Study Highlighting Benefits of Nature Derived Psilocybin Vs. Synthetic Psilocybin

The Entourage Effect in Mushrooms: Natural psilocybin may outperform synthetic

Study Finds Natural Psychedelic Mushrooms Produce ‘Enhanced Effects’ Compared To Synthesized Psilocybin, Suggesting Entourage Effect

Psychedelic mushroom extract may offer enhanced brain benefits over synthetic psilocybin

Psyence Biomedical Welcomes Results of a Recent Study Highlighting Benefits of Nature Derived Psilocybin Vs. Synthetic Psilocybin

Synthetic psilocybin less effective therapy than natural mushroom extract/p>

Unraveling the Secrets of Psychedelic Mushrooms: Comparing Synthetic Psilocybin to Psilocybin Mushroom Extract’s Effects on Brain Plasticity

Mushroom Extract Outperforms Synthetic Psilocybin in Psychiatric Therapy

New Study Reveals Promising Therapeutic Potential of Mushroom Extract for Mental Health

Study reveals mushroom extract’s superior efficacy in psychiatric treatment

Medical benefits of psychedelic mushrooms identified by Israeli researchers

Psychedelic Medicine Israel 2023